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Monday, March 7, 2011

Muhammad as-Senussi

Muhammad as-Senussi
20 October 1962 (age 48)
Crown Prince
Throne(s) claimed
Pretend from
28 April 1992 – present
Monarchy abolished
1 September 1969
Last monarch
Idris I
Connection with
Great nephew
Royal House
Crown Prince Hasan
Crown Princess Fawzia bint Tahir
Crown Prince Hasan

Sayyid Muhammad al-Rida bin Sayyid Hasan ar-Rida al-Mahdi as-Senussi (born 20 October 1962) is the son of Crown Prince Hasan as-Senussi of Libya, and of Crown Princess Fawzia bint Tahir Bakeer. Born in Tripoli, he is considered by Libyan royalists to be the legitimate heir to the Senussi Crown of Libya. A rival claim is advanced by his distant relative Idris al-Senussi.


Styles of
Crown Prince Muhammad Al-Senussi
Reference style His Royal Highness
Spoken style Your Royal Highness
Alternative style Sir
Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi overthrew Muhammad as-Senussi's great-uncle King Idris and his father the Crown Prince on 1 September 1969 in the Al Fateh Revolution. Al-Gaddafi detained the Royal Family and held them under house arrest. In 1982 their house with belongings was destroyed and the family moved into a shack on the beach. In 1988, they were allowed to emigrate to the United Kingdom.
Muhammad al-Senussi received his education in the United Kingdom. On 18 June 1992, he was appointed as heir by his father to succeed him in death as Crown Prince and Head of the Royal House of Libya.
During the 2011 Libyan protests as-Senussi spoke publicly in support of the protesters. He sent his condolences "for the heroes who have laid down their lives, killed by the brutal forces of Qaddafi" and called on the international community "to halt all support for the dictator with immediate effect." On 24 February 2011 he gave an interview to Al Jazeera English in which he called upon the international community to help remove Gaddafi from power and stop the ongoing "massacre". He has dismissed talk of a civil war saying "The Libyan people and the tribes have proven they are united". Questioned about what shape a new government could take, and whether the 1951 royal constitution could be revived, he said that such questions are "premature and are issues that are decided by the Libyan people", adding that for now the priority is to stop the "killing of innocent people". On whether he desired to return to Libya said, "The Senussi family considers itself as in the service of the Libyan people."


The return of monarchy to Libya is not a priority, but "the United Nations – which endorsed the Libyan constitution upon independence – must interfere and restore the constitution, to hold free elections and let the people decide what system they prefer."
Libyan Royal Family

HRH The Crown Prince
HRH Prince al-Mahdi
HRH Prince Idris
HRH Princess Fatima
HRH Princess Faiza
HRH Prince Khalid
HRH Prince Ashraf
HRH Prince Jalal
HRH Princess Amal

"The Libyan people have now chosen to challenge this regime peacefully until it is gone from Libya, and the people will not return to their homes until justice is delivered… they have raised their voices in Benghazi and Tripoli and all other cities across Libya. They have made the whole world listen to them… His [Gadaffi's] fight to stay in power will not last long, because of the desire for freedom by the Libyan people. This great popular revolution will be victorious in the end, because of the unity of the Libyan people."


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